
How to maintain car seals?


How to maintain car seals

1, daily cleaning

After the car has been used for a long time, the sealing strip will inevitably get dust. If it is not cleaned in time, it will easily accelerate the wear and aging of the sealing strip. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the dust on the sealing strip in time. Car owners are advised to clean and maintain the seals every one or two quarters.

2, the cleaning method

Usually, the car was washed with a high water gun, try not to spray the high water gun against the seal. Otherwise, the sealing ring will be deformed. As long as the performance of the sealing ring is reduced, it is easy to drip rainwater in the car when it is raining. If it is not treated in time, it will cause the car to rust.

3, environmental impact

The sealing strip is mainly made of rubber. If it is exposed to high temperatures for a long time, the service life of the sealing strip will be shortened. Therefore, when you are parking, try not to park in a place prone to the sun, especially in the hot summer.

For owners with economic conditions, it is recommended to use reflective car clothing for cars, which can effectively prevent the sealing strip from cracking due to heat. In addition, the maintenance paste of the sealing strip can be selected to restore the elasticity of the sealing strip.