
What is static seal


Static seal usually refers to the seal between two stationary surfaces.The so-called static seal refers to the seal that is in a static state without relative motion in the operation of the bearing.Seals with no relative movement between the coupling parts are called static seals.The static seal is called the static seal when there is no relative movement between the two coupling parts of the sealed part.

1. The so-called static seal refers to the seal that is in a static state without relative motion in the operation of the bearing.Static seal in oil film bearings basically use "O" type rubber seal.The specifications of different installation parts are also different. The use of static seals on oil film bearings is generally distributed in the following areas: 1) the contact between the reflux ring and the bearing seat

2. The seal without relative movement between the sealing coupling parts is called the static seal.The seal with relative motion between the sealing coupling parts is called the dynamic seal.If the module does not have the characteristics of generalization and serialization, it is difficult to realize the system combination

3, construction machinery on the seal is divided into static seal and dynamic seal two categories: the seal between the fixed surface is called static seal, such as construction machinery engine cylinder pad and all kinds of pipeline interface pad

Sealing device and leakproof measures on beverage production line 2.1 Static seal of beverage production line The seal of static part is called static seal.A large number of static seals are used in beverage production line, but the seal forms are different in different occasions

5. The seal between the relatively static joint surface is often called the static seal.The door, window and orifice of the car is closed by the door, window and orifice cover with the help of the sealing strip to make the sealing surface close to each other, contact or even embedded to eliminate the gap, which belongs to the contact seal

6. Static sealing refers to the sealing part without relative movement, which is used for sealing between fixed parts.Dynamic seals are used to seal between parts that have relative motion.According to the characteristics of relative motion, dynamic seal is divided into reciprocating seal and rotary seal

7. The seal between the relatively static mating surfaces is called the static seal.Seals between the mating surfaces in relative motion are called dynamic seals.Static seal can be divided into: plane seal (axial seal) and cylindrical seal (radial seal), leakage clearance is axial clearance and radial clearance respectively

8. The seal between the relatively stationary two parts is called the static seal, and the seal between the relatively moving two parts is called the dynamic seal.Static sealing as long as the choice of appropriate gasket material and type, determine the pre-tightening force of bolts can achieve the ideal sealing effect

9. Static seal is called static seal if there is no relative movement between the two coupling parts of the sealed part.Static seal can achieve leak-free seal.Static seal multi-purpose O-ring, in addition to a variety of gaskets, sealants, etc.Although the static seal of various gaskets is convenient and reliable, different degrees of leakage may occur sometimes when used improperly, such as the flat static seal of combined gaskets and screw plugs.